29/10/2022 tarihinde X programda ilişkiler üzerine konuşacağız
GörüntüleMindfulness has traditionally been defined as the state of being aware of looking at one's inner and outer experiences with openness and kindness, without judgment. Mindfulness is an increasingly popular topic in academic psychology and neuroscience, where there is scientific evidence that cognitive processes are enhanced by developing mindfulness skills. Cognitive approach in coaching is based on the argument that “the individual's perceptions, interpretations and beliefs form his/her thought system (mental attitude) and his/her emotions emerge as the product of his/her thoughts”. Conflicting beliefs in the individual's belief system strengthen the inner conflict, while the state of disbelief leads to his disconnection with life. One of the coach's most valuable skills is knowing not to interfere. This simple but fundamental rule is necessary for the client to understand their cognitive process and to realize a positive self-image transformation with awareness. One of the basic concepts of positive psychology, resilience is defined as the ability of strengths, temperament and social skills to maintain positive emotions in difficult times. Using mindfulness techniques in coaching can significantly increase the resilience of both coaches and their clients.
When evaluated in terms of ICF coaching competencies, Mindfulness practices strengthen the ability to stay in the moment, to be aware of one's own thoughts and feelings, to listen actively, and to raise awareness.
In this program, mindfulness practices will be learned by the participants through presentations and practices. Topics and exercises have been selected to develop coaching skills related to ICF's core competencies: Coaching Presence; active listening; Raise awareness; and Meeting Ethical Principles and Professional Standards. The aim of the program is to teach mindfulness techniques to develop participants' professional coaching skills with greater self-confidence.
Our training, which has the accreditation of ICF, which is recognized as an authority in the field of coaching in the world, has been organized in accordance with ICF basic competencies and after the 2-day training, the participants will be entitled to receive the "Mindfulness Coaching" Certificate.
*** This program has 16 CCEs.
*** Our classes are average 12, maximum 20 people.
*** Our Program Fee is 800 $ + VAT.
*** Contact us for early registration discount.